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A multi-processing Python wrapper and API for approximate-Bayesian phylgeographical inference

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4.8. A key to the output of model parameters and associated statstics

Below is a key to all of the parameter and statistics you will see in the output. In the posterior-sample.txt, all column headers that start with PRI. designate a parameter or a summary statistic of parameters. All other column headers designate summary statistics calculated from the simulated data, which are used to calculate the distance from the summary statistics calculated from the observed data.

4.8.1. The parameters PRI.t.1, PRI.t.2, ...

These are the divergence times of the populations pairs. The pairs are numbered in the order that they appear (from top to bottom) in the configuration file. PRI.d1theta.1, PRId.1theta.2, ...

The effective population size of one of the descendant populations of each pair of populations. The pairs are numbered in the order that they appear (from top to bottom) in the configuration file. PRI.d2theta.1, PRI.d2theta.2, ...

The effective population size of the other descendant population of each pair of populations. The pairs are numbered in the order that they appear (from top to bottom) in the configuration file. PRI.atheta.1, PRI.atheta.2, ...

The effective population size of the ancestral population of each pair of populations. The pairs are numbered in the order that they appear (from top to bottom) in the configuration file. PRI.div.model

The model of divergence (see the section on divergence models). In the posterior-sample.txt file, only indices of the divergence models are given, which is not very useful. However, the div-model-results.txt file contains all of the information regarding the posterior sample of divergence models. PRI.model

The prior model. This will not be meaningful if only analyzing data under a single prior model. However, if you average over multiple models, the estimated posterior probability of each model is reported in the model-results.txt file.

4.8.2. The statistics

NOTE: the variables below are NOT parameters of the model. They are statistics that summarize the values of parameters. PRI.Psi

The number of divergence events, or the number of divergence-time parameters in the divergence model. PRI.E.t

The mean of the divergence times across all pairs of populations. NOTE, this is the mean across all the population pairs, not the divergence-time parameters (which can be shared across pairs). PRI.var.t

The variance of the divergence times across all pairs of populations. NOTE, this is the variance across all the population pairs, not the divergence-time parameters (which can be shared across pairs).

The dispersion index (i.e., variance / mean) of the divergence times across all pairs of populations. NOTE, this is the dispersion index across all the population pairs, not the divergence-time parameters (which can be shared across pairs).

The coefficient of variation (CV; i.e., standard deviation / mean) of the divergence times across all pairs of populations. NOTE, this is the CV across all the population pairs, not the divergence-time parameters (which can be shared across pairs).